Tooth Filling
Fillings are the most common of all dental procedures. Advances in dental technology mean today’s fillings look more natural than ever.
One option to improve how your smile looks is to have your metal-coloured fillings replaced with tooth-coloured or ‘white’ fillings. This is a safe procedure that entails your Smile Chic dentist removing any decay from your tooth, taking out the metal or amalgam filling, and fitting a tooth-coloured filling instead. In some cases, a temporary filling may need to be applied to cover the hole in your tooth and this will protect the tooth until the permanent filling can be done.
The new filling is made from a very hard substance that will withstand many years of biting and chewing, so you’ll be able to smile with more natural-looking teeth, and without a metallic glint in sight.
At Smile Chic we believe prevention is always better than cure. We will always encourage and help you to look after your teeth so you don’t develop tooth decay in the first place. If you do have decayed teeth and need a filling then get in touch with us.

Dental Filling Treatment
When you visit for a check-up, your dentist will use a small inspection mirror to assess the surface of your teeth, looking for signs of decay or little cracks and fissures. If they see anything that might require treatment, they will tell you straight away. Once your dentist has fully assessed the area that requires treatment, they will clear out any decay before filling the clean cavity with the dental filling materials of your choice. The repair process is straightforward and often only requires one or two appointments at Smile Chic
Closing up the gap in your tooth will prevent bacteria from getting in, head off further decay, and preserve your tooth in the least invasive way. Dental fillings in Manchester have never been easier or more affordable with Smile Chic and Denplan.

Why Consider Dental Fillings
Frequently asked questions
What are the risks of Dental Fillings?
Like any man-made substance, a dental filling will suffer from wear and tear and will need to be looked after – potentially even replaced. Maintenance could involve having stains removed, or small chips repaired.
Do Dental Fillings hurt?
You will usually require a local anaesthetic to numb the area whilst the dentist works on the tooth. Some small cavities do not require any anaesthetic and your treatment will be quick and comfortable. You may have some mild sensitivity for a day or so after your treatment, but don’t worry – this is perfectly normal.